Still feel that itch? Studies show, it may be all in your head
Still feel that itch? Studies show, it may be all in your head
If you’ve had bed bugs before, it isn’t really surprising that those creepy crawlies leave you feeling itchy at just the thought of them. After all, they’ve been leaving you with those itchy red bumps before you had an exterminator come out, it makes sense to feel itchy even now. What you may not know, is that there is more to that dreadful feeling of bugs still crawling on you long after they are gone, than just a feeling.
Bed bug bites can lead to PTSD-like symptoms, including anxiety, sleep disturbances, and so much more. A study by medical entomologist Jerome Goddard found that up to 81% of people who have had bed bugs in the past ended up with these symptoms. This isn’t the only study to have been done on bed bugs either. There have been a variety of studies done on bed bugs, and the impact they leave behind.
Victims of bed bugs can feel like the bugs are still crawling on them even when they know the bed bugs are gone, or feel anxious and stressed even after the bugs have disappeared.
If you still feel like bugs are crawling on you long after you’ve had the exterminator out, relax. It may take several days for that creepy-crawly sensation to go away, even though all of the bugs are gone.
If you feel stressed by your past bed bug infestation, see a doctor
The bed bugs may be gone, but the psychological stress you are feeling is very real. It’s a phenomenon that has only come to light recently in modern medicine, but the truth is your mental stress is real and can be managed with help. If the feeling doesn’t go away after several days, ask your doctor for a mental health screening, so he can help you get the care you need.
The process of eliminating bed bugs—putting your mind at ease
If you’re still concerned that there are bed bugs in your home, it may be helpful to understand how your exterminator gets rid of them. There are a variety of ways to treat bed bugs, but the best way to remove 100% of the bed bugs, including their eggs, is through a high-heat treatment.
While eggs and other life stages tend to be resistant towards fumigation, no bed bug can withstand high heat elimination. If your exterminator properly used this method to help get rid of your bugs, you can relax, knowing there are definitely no bugs in your house anymore.
Talking about bed bugs can help raise awareness
Many people feel that having bed bugs is a dirty or shameful problem, but the reality is it is fairly common. If you have had bed bugs in the past, there is no reason to be embarrassed or to hide the issue when seeking help. One of the top recommended methods for healing from bed bugs is to have a support network, and to be able to talk about it with others. Don’t isolate yourself. Your psychological health is important, and bed bugs are a highly traumatic experience. Keep yourself safe!
BedBug Barbeque provides superb bed bug heat extermination solutions to clients in Lakewood and Cleveland, OH and the surrounding metropolitan area. It is our goal to effectively rid your property of bed bugs while saving you time and money. When you partner with us, know that you are receiving guidance from people who have extensive hands-on experience dealing with bed bugs.
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